Grow your Online Businessonline business

with a Website!

What is Website Design?

A website is a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other. The graphic design of these web pages, their content, their layout, their load speeds etc. all constitute website design.

Your Website is a Catalogue

Your website is your company’s Catalogue on the Internet. Whichever part of the world you get an enquiry, just send them your website address, and instantly your Company Catalogue is right in front of them.

No printing, no mailing, just quick results.

Your Website is a Salesman

A website can help you connect your business to more customers, generate more leads, confirm sales inquiries, generate repeat orders and hence more profits. And, it does all this non-stop, for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Without taking a break, or a day off. Not even  asking for a salary, leave alone a raise or a bonus for all its efforts.

Where would you get such untiring, dedicated sales staff?

You can have such a salesman ready to work for you, day in and day out; with a website of your own.

Your Website is on your Client’s mobile phone

Your clients spend 90% of their time ONLINE, on their mobile phones. The mobile phone is their newspaper, their television, their friend, their messenger and of course their telephone. So, the best way to reach them is through their mobile phones.

Today,  customers don’t want to talk to salespeople until they have done their bit of  research. If they want to buy something, they will search on Google, find the product they want, check its specifications, compare prices from different vendors, and then talk to you.  So, the  best way to approach prospects  is to be found on Google (or any Search Engine for that matter), provide valuable  information about your products or services, and give him a reason to come to you.

Stop wasting time on old school marketing techniques. Get your business website and

  1. Generate business leads,
  2. Confirm more orders
  3. Bring in repeat customers
  4. Increase brand awareness
  5. Increase profitability.

Your Website is a Billboard on the Internet

You have earned a name and respect for yourself in the physical world.

Let this name and respect carry over to the online world too.  

When you partner with Raun Harman, we bring more than 20 years of experience as a website design company.   We work as your Website builder, Online Marketing Agency, SEO agency, Search Engine Marketing Company, rather an all-in-one  company for your online marketing needs. This way, you can benefit from our successful track record of online marketing with successful large, medium and small companies.

Get your Website now!

Fully explore the potential of website design in your online marketing landscape. Request a free consultation and discover how Raun Harman can build a successful website for you.